When all hope is gone...

You have crossed the point of no return.  Nowhere left to go!  No where left but up.  No where left to turn but look up at the vastness of the sky and wonder why?  No limitations imposed anymore.  You’re done with those.  You’re sick of the lies.  You’re done with the lies.  You want to know the truth.  What is the truth?  What am I lacking?  Why am I not complete? Why doesn’t anything make sense anymore?  Give up!  Yes, that’s right.  Give up and live!  Don’t give up and die!  Give up all the nonsense, all the stuff that doesn’t work for you anymore.  Just give up, surrender.  Life has taken it all anyway.  Not much left to give.  Not much left but the most important thing, yourself.  Let go of everything you thought you knew.  Say goodbye!  It’s not hard.  When you’re at the end of your rope, nothing left, let go of the rope and hold on to the hand that’s reached out to you to save you in every way a person can be saved.  This hand knows you well.  They have watched you stumble and fall.  They have tried to reach out to you so many times before, but you never took it.   Finally, life has dragged you through the pits of despair and you have absolutely nothing left to give, nothing left to hold on to.  There’s nothing there anymore, nothing but the silence of space and time.  Nothing but the open sky and no one’s around.  You scream out for help, but no one is there to hear you.  Then you cry out to God.  God, if you’re real, save me!  But you don’t know what to believe.  You’re not sure if there really is something up there in the clouds.  You want to believe there is someone out there who can hear you.  No response.  You give up and start crying your eyes out.  There’s nothing there!  No one who cares!  I could die out here and no one even cares!  There is no God!  All hope is gone.
THIS is the time.   This is the time when God appears.  A hand from heaven reaches down to take you up and hold you in his arms.   To assure you everything is going to be okay and to quiet all your fears. And this is just the beginning of a NEW journey with HIM.


absolutely beautiful! im glad we are hangin out. we are def good influences on one another & all of that is so true.

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