How Amazing Grace Applies to YOUR LIFE

This is an update and additional message on the topic of GRACE that I think is an important thing to take note of.

Sin is not to be judged on a scale of 1-10 on how easy it is for you to be forgiven, murder being worst and lies as least.  Every sin is a serious offense, even if you don't see the repercussions.   

Romans 3:23

 "for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,"

Just because you believe your sin is not as bad someone else's, and think it's easier for you to be forgiven than someone who does the "unforgivable", it's not necessarily true.  Sin is sin.  It doesn't matter WHAT you have done, it's about that you HAVE sinned.  Every single person on this earth has sinned, and that includes you.  Do you think you are so different, special than others, because you justify the sins you have committed as "not that bad"?  We don't judge ourselves, God judges us.  Be willing to take a look inward and see what YOU have done before you start passing judgement on others for their actions and deem them "unforgivable".  It's not up to you.  You are not God.  God chooses to forgive if we are truly sorry because he sees our heart.  He's fair to ALL.  How unfair would it be if he chose to forgive one person who was sorry but not someone else because their actions hurt and harmed more people?  God sees that those who have hurt the most people are the ONES WHO NEED TO BE FORGIVEN MOST so they can start changing, and stop doing the behaviors that hurt and harm other people.


we live and we learn & if our hearts are right & our egos dont take charge of us, God will take care of us. The world can be difficult and confusing But as long as we know people cannot save us nor can drugs nor can harmful activities that just feel right at the moment, GOD Will rescue us from the trauma & neverending cycle we refuse to acknowledge. But everyone can. we all can choose the godly path
Rosanne said…
Yes and my prayer is that everyone's eyes will be opened and the veil lifted from deception. Deception needs to be dismantled, especially in generation X, our generation. We can make it generation ✞, by just shifting our patterns a little bit from apathy and resignation to conviction and power!

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