Thank you doesn't begin to cut it

I have posted about GRACE and it's meaning.  I hope and pray you experience it.  Maybe some of you have and maybe you haven't.  Maybe some of you have trouble being thankful because of all of the problems you are going through and everything just seems so unfair, like whatever you try to do is road blocked by some mystical force.  You need unity in your core.  Sometimes it takes something traumatic to open your eyes.  God doesn't hate you.  I have said many times in my past "God must hate me."  because of all the stuff I was going through.  I knew deep down he didn't hate me, but I just didn't understand what was going on.  No matter how good my intentions were, things just were not working.  I kept trying over and over with determination to do things MY way.  That is what everyone else was doing and it looked like the way.  I thought that is what all successful people do.  They have done it their own way and succeeded and therefore I will succeed in life also.  What I didn't know was that behind the scenes these successful people felt a bittersweet emptiness when they achieved all that they wanted by themselves.  They finally got what they wanted- but this is what no one but the most honest of them will tell you-  It still wasn't what they were looking for.  They thought it would be different.  And whatever they achieve in and of themselves is never enough.  There's never enough money or prestige or popularity or status that fills that empty hole inside where God alone should live.  Why exactly do you think people end up committing suicide who by all means have achieved success and status by the world's standards?  People don't commit suicide because they are happy. Consider the term "commit" suicide.  They make the ultimate commitment to die.  They are so disappointed.  This can include "accidental" deaths including overdoses.  These are subconscious acts of suicide made by decision that they no longer wanted to live, because what they found was so devastating.  They found that everything they worked so hard for and lived for and believed was WRONG- DEAD WRONG.  They realized they were living a lie.  And they just couldn't face it.  This is what the enemy wants.  He WANTS to destroy people by deceiving them so deeply until they can't even face the truth.  It hurts too much to admit they were wrong.

Jesus said:

John 10:10

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

The good news is it doesn't have to end that way for you.  As long as you are still living, your story is not over yet.  It might appear to be over for you and there is not much left to keep hanging in there for.  You might be so disappointed in life and feel there is not much left to live for.  I have been there many times.  I know what this feels like.  Deception tries hard to cover things up.  I want to uncover and unveil the truth.  YOU WILL NEVER FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BY DOING THINGS YOUR WAY.

You need God in your life and that is the God's honest truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Even in a world of lies where no one else will tell you the truth I am willing to be the lone voice in the proverbial desert that is willing to tell you the truth.  
It's up to you whether you want to believe this and act on it.  Think of my reasons for telling you this.  Do you think I have anything to gain by telling you this?  Do you think I am not on your side?  Do you think I have anything but your best interest in mind?  What could I possibly have to gain by writing this?  I don't get paid for this.  I am spending my own precious time to take the time out of a busy schedule to sit here and write this.  Do you think I am motivated by some other person or desire for fame or money- I'm not.  I am not motivated out of fear or guilt to write this.  I am motivated from something within that wants the best and the highest good for all.  

Everyone wants less stress and anxiety in their lives and I have found that I have less stress and anxiety in my life than I ever knew was possible.  I didn't even realize how high my stress and anxiety levels actually were until they were eliminated almost completely.  I attribute this entirely to what God's power has done in my life.  When I really understood what was done for me on the cross and experienced God's unconditional agape love I have no other way to react but to throw myself at God's feet and thank him by giving him everything.  I don't just say thank you, I live it everyday.  I choose every second of every day to give myself back to him over and over again as a response to what he has done for me.

James 1:22

"But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."


This was a good blog. I really appreciated reading it. You are so right rosanne. People grow up thinking and dreaming for something without even realizing what the end result will actually be. I believe that god is the only answer. Money tends to be the root of evil although it could be awesome IF ONLY and if only it is gained and used in the right way. You could either sway to the right or sway to the left. The devil is always on one shoulder. the devil uses money all the time to trick people. i may be going off topic But Someday i really hope the world leaves their troubles behind & lives for the one. Not a person But the one and only god :)
Rosanne said…
Thanks Casey! So glad to have you in my life. Isn't it great to have something to take a stand on and finally stand up for. So glad you are a brave soul willing to take a stand and be a leader and not a follower. In a world with too many followers with too little conviction for what's right it's refreshing to see you with your strong heart willing to believe in what's right as well as stand up for it and even stand out of the crowd. Me and you girl! We can take on the world with God in our lives because he has already overcome the world. :)
Anonymous said…
Your blog looks great, I'll come back and read more later, for now I have to work on my writing.

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