Unity in Self- Body, Mind and Spirit Mirrors the Trinity

This post is on this topic of unity in our own bodies.  Just like the Trinity- God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, we are created in God's image.  The Bible doesn't actually say the word "Trinity", but it makes mention of this concept time after time. Trinity is our word for this concept.

Genesis 1:27

"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

This means we have three parts also- body, mind and spirit.  These three must be operating in unison together, for ONE purpose.  When these three are working together for ONE thing, amazing things start to happen.  This is what we were created for- UNITY of body, mind and spirit.  This unity is made possible only through God.  

Have you ever tried to do something but felt sabotaged?  Have you ever felt like something inside of you was fighting against itself?  This is because your mind, body and spirit were divided, trying to do different things.  What your mind and body wanted didn't line up with what your spirit wanted.  Subconsciously you are fighting within yourself.  We need the Holy Spirit to help us win this battle of the spirit verses the flesh.  There's no harmony without the Holy Spirit and that's why things you try to do get messed up and don't end up happening. It's because your spirit and your flesh can't agree and are conflicting against each other.  We can't win this battle on our own.  We need the Holy Spirit to help us achieve harmony in our bodies.  This has been the battle ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.  You must receive salvation through believing in Jesus Christ to receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which leads us to all truth.   

Jesus said:

John 14:16-17

"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper (the Holy Spirit), that He may abide with you forever— the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you."

A good article on the concept of the Trinity if you don't fully understand it:


In my opinion, God the Father operates as mind, Jesus Christ as body and Holy Spirit as spirit.  It speaks for itself.  Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, representing and fulfilling the body role and represents the BODY of believers as well as universal body of humanity. God the Father is the source of all authority and power, and the Holy Spirit's function speaks the of the spirit function right there.  They operate as one with different functions.


Anonymous said…
check out the Apostles of the Holy Spirit --- the writings and in particular the daily prayer process has been a wonderful addition to my life.
In the intro to the Novena to the Holy Spirit --- I love this part: When Jesus lived on earth with His disciples, they were content to give up everything to follow Him, just to be near Him. With Him, they were safe and if they needed any counsel they knew He could give them the answers. The disciples had never experienced or even heard of such a source of comfort and wisdom on earth. So when it was time for Him to leave they were very upset. He assured them by telling them that he would send the Paraclete, the comforter to be with them and with all of His followers.
When he lived as a man He could only be touched and seen and known by as many as humanly possible. By sending His Spirit He could be present, in Spirit, to all, at all times. The Holy Spirit speaks to you in your thoughts. He prompts or speaks to you in your language, using your grammar and the words you are familiar with and use daily. These promptings are so natural that unless you are sensitive to His promptings you could easily ignore them or not recognize them as important.

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