Letter from your Father

Dear precious son and daughter,

Please come home.  I miss you with everything I have and am.  I have no need of money or things.  I have it all.  I have no need of anything... nothing but you.  I want you back.  My heart is with you all the time.  The heart that’s beating in your chest, I put it there.  Wherever you could possibly go in this life or world I’m already there with you.  Nothing can separate you from my love outside of yourself.  Nothing can separate you from my love…but you.  I want you to come home.  You say you’re searching for my heart… but it’s with you.  It’s been there all along.  Open your eyes and see what’s already there.  Stop being obstinate and blind, open your eyes!  My dear child, nothing you have done has made me love you any less.  I know you have disrespected me, rejected me, called me names and said bad things about me.  That doesn’t make my love for you any less.  My child, I take the blame for you and everything you have ever done wrong.  I sacrificed myself for you.  I just want you to know how much I love you.  Maybe if you truly knew you wouldn’t be afraid to come home and show me your face and your open heart.  I know your heart is wounded from being out there.  My child, I still see your potential.  I see what you CAN be.  If I can make something out of nothing, I can surely make something beautiful out of something broken.  You may feel like a pile of rubbish, but I see a masterpiece in you, of what you can become!  Place your bruised, battered and broken life at my feet and I will fix it.  I will make something beautiful out of your life.  I am a father of second chances and third chances and fourth chances….as many chances as you need.  I forgive you!  I know you so well.  I’ve seen everything you’ve done.  You can’t run away or hide from me.  I see you always.  Don’t try to hide from me.  You can only keep running away for so long.  Why don’t you stop running now and just come home, where you belong... in my arms?

With agape unconditional love that you can’t even comprehend,

Abba Father God “I AM.”  


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