God Tests Us. True or False?

Every blog I write is a lesson in faith.  I have an idea of what I will write but the Holy Spirit ultimately guides me.  I write this blog solely to bring glory to the Living Almighty God, Jesus Christ, forever seated on the throne of glory, always worthy to be praised at ALL times!

This week's blog is a personal passion of mine: God's testing.  I find God's tests so fascinating I can barely contain my excitement on this subject., but that is only AFTER they are over.  Reaching the point of realization that you are being tested by your creator is a thrill to me.  First of all, I think I need to say no one in the beginning has any idea when they are being tested.  That is the beauty of it.  There is no warning.  Like a pop quiz to the umpteenth degree.  Have you ever experienced being brought not just to the edge of your patience ending, but something gets so stressful you feel like you're on the brink of losing your sanity, holding on by a thread.  You may feel the need to escape because the pressure is mounting up and it becomes too much to bear.  You come to the end of knowing how to cope with such a situation.  You would give anything to run away from this mess, but something holds you there.  You might have a specific reason why you can't quit the situation whether it's a job and you need the money, or you can't let people down who are involved in such a situation.

I will tell about my own brand of testing experienced.  Pressure had already been building for weeks, even months of disliking the particular job I'm at.  I feel unappreciated most of the time, being rated as average when I always try to be above average and do my best, overlooked for any potential, at one time promised a promotion and made to jump through hoops to make it nearly impossible to achieve, and undervalued almost daily.  Add to that feeling like an outsider, subject of gossip and general tension, feeling like the scapegoat who gets blamed for everything, in trouble, chastised, and even written up many times for small mistakes made, one time even having my boss make me cry and then taunt me to leave and not come back, which I did come back by the way, and finished out my shift.  The situation I'm in requires me to stay at this particular job.  I could go into more detail, but I won't.

My situation came to a head on a particular day.  It was the "straw that almost broke the camel's back".  On this day there was a situation which I was YET AGAIN held responsible for a something that I had no control over, which made it appear that I was not doing my job well.  It threatened the security of my job.  This was not the first time this happened, but the THIRD time within a short period of time.  It had happened to others in the past but lately only happening to ME.  Earlier that day my boss and the boss above her had already treated me in a way in which I felt belittled and as small and unimportant, lowest on the totem pole.  I was still fuming from that and then after this particular situation happened YET AGAIN, driving me to the brink of insanity.  Oh, the insanity of it all!  I wanted to run away and never look back.  I had to tell my boss.  I considered telling her that I was quitting right then and there.  I stepped outside and let go of it all not caring at all what happened in there anymore.  I realized there was a world outside of that place and the show would go on without me too. With every part of my being, I wanted to quit, but knew I couldn't.  If I got fired that would be one thing.  I could accept that, but for me I decided quitting was not an option.  I didn't feel strong making that decision.  I felt like a weakling hanging on by a small thread to this stupid job.  I made a conscious decision to stick it out even though I didn't want to, and within the hour I felt mysteriously better.  I told my boss what happened and she was strangely supportive and understanding, not at all what I expected.  Then I felt a great burden lifted off of my shoulders and at that moment I realized it had all been a test and I was made aware that I had passed the test!  Hallelujah!  Praise the Lord!  No joy can be described as when you know in your spirit you have been found pleasing in the sight of your creator. He gives you a sense of accomplishment in your spirit.  That is what I live for.  He also knew that I had said I live to please him alone and testing me on that one as well, because God is the absolute best at validating you and showing his pleasure in you.  His validation is the ONLY one you really need.  There is no greater feeling on all of earth.

So in answer to the question at the title of this blog...A big FAT YES!  He DOES test us.  How is he testing you in your life?


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