Is Twitter a Good Tool for Believers?

This is something I often think about and have discussed with other believers before.  I do believe twitter is a great way to share the gospel because we have an advantage of reaching more people and planting more seeds than we ever could by just talking to people one on one because you don't know the power of a tweet, where it will end up, who will see it and how it will affect them.  It's NOT however a replacement for one on one witnessing and fellowship with other believers.  It is a great SUPPLEMENT to it.  It's a great addition and an advantage we do have today that the early church didn't have.  Which leads me to my next point.

How did the early church go about doing what they did, which has been said "turned the world upside down."? Their beliefs and conviction were unparalleled at that time.  And even though we have had revivals of the church since then has there really been a time since then that really can compare to that early church?  Why were they so strong and today we're lacking that strength and power?  We've almost been emasculated as a church and silenced to the point where we don't stand up for our beliefs anymore for fear of offending people.

Well, guess what?  The Bible doesn't preach this emasculated unempowered Christian!  It preaches the POWER of the Holy Spirit.  And instead of complaining about other believers and others in the church let's make a pact that you focus on changing YOURSELF first and saying "I WILL stand up for my beliefs.  I WILL NOT back down.  I will have courage to face opposition and I WILL NOT be silenced!"

If we can stand up for everything else and others can stand up for pro-choice and gay marriage why can't we stand up for what the Bible says?  If you stay silent how is that really loving others?  Confrontation is sometimes loving someone.  The Bible says we are to rebuke others if they are doing wrong.

Titus 2:15
Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.

Is it easy? No! Is it necessary? Yes!  It's the WAY we go about doing it.  It should always be out of love.  Is that easy? No and there WILL be violent opposition at times.  That's to be expected.  That's just a reality.  So don't be shocked when you start making some waves around you.  Waves are good!  It says you are setting something into motion.  Motion is good.  Immobilization and stagnation are unhealthy!

The Bible says:
Matthew 5:10
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

I hope this blog has inspired you to really change yourself and wake up!  And if you are standing up for what the Bible says good for you!  Continue on and don't give up!

Galatians 6:9
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.


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