The cleansing power of H2O

What is it about water that refreshes us?  There is almost a mystical property to water.  Maybe it represents what God does to us when he cleanses us from our sin.  

Water is essential to us, sustaining our lives.  Our bodies are made up of up to 60% water, more than half.  So the same element that cleanses us is already in us, but cannot cleanse us of all disease and sickness.  It is almost representative of what sin is in our lives.  We can be 60% "good" and 40% sinful and that sinful portion can take over and cannot cleanse itself.  Something outside of ourselves HAS TO cleanse us.  The body is made to heal itself in many circumstances of diseases, but sometimes it is just not able and needs something outside of itself to cleanse it.  

That is where God comes in.  He is our creator and he created us to need him.  How sad it is when many people cry out because they are afflicted with disease and sin has ruined their lives yet they are unable to see the cleansing power of God, their OWN maker.  In their own ignorance they have rejected the very one who made them.  

We just cannot do it on our own.  Yes, science and man have been able to come up with a cure for many diseases, but not all.  And science has never, and will never be able to cure us our sinful nature and what ultimately results, which is death.  We NEED a Savior.  After the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man has been searching for the secret of eternal life.  Man will never be able to on his own, find the secret of eternal life.  Maybe this is why water has a proven cleansing power with people, even if they do not believe in a Savior.  Because it represents God and HIS cleansing power, and his ability to save us from death and give us eternal life through Jesus.  God's own word, the Bible, has cleansing power above all else.  If you want to feel better than fresh out of the shower, read God's word on a daily basis and it will have the power to refresh you unlike anything else.  

Ephesians 5:26
"That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word."

Not only will it refresh you, but it will change you from the inside out, and give you a new life.  This change is nothing to fear, in fact you should look forward to it.  The Lord God created you and understands you better than anyone else.  You can trust him with your life.  He also understands that you will not fully grasp everything right away in the Bible, so he gives us the "helper", which is the Holy Spirit, who reveals God's nature to you and better helps you understand God's Word.  This is called the renewing of your mind, which I believe already knows God, he is our creator. 

Romans 12:2
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

God is in our DNA.  His fingerprints are all over it, as well as all of creation.  When we read his Word our minds are renewed and we remember where we have come from.  It feels like coming home, and it truly is.

Jesus said:
John 10:27
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me."


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