Miracles From Heaven

My parents always tell me my birth was a miracle. I was born in the middle of two sisters who are now in heaven. One was born prematurely and the other was a stillborn. I was born as the result of [what I am told was] an illegal operation back in 1981. My mom had an insufficient cervix and went into premature labor. The doctor who performed the operation was about to retire and my mom was his last patient. I ended up being born exactly on my due date. Growing up, my parents always called me their miracle baby. They named me Rosanne, which means rose of grace. I was named after my sister Rose in heaven. 

Every time a baby is born it is an utter miracle. The fact that it happens every day doesn't make it any less of a miracle. The fact that the human body can reproduce a separate and distinctly different human being is a miracle. 

The human body is a miracle in every sense of the word. The human body functions basically on its own with an intricate set of systems. It can repair itself, defend itself against bacteria and viruses, and so much more. There are 11 amazing systems in the body that all work together. Some of these systems include: circulatory, respiratory, nervous, excretory, immune, endocrine, digestive, and reproductive. These systems are interconnected and must work together to keep the body running the way it should. Our job is maintainence- feed it, take care of it, and eliminate the waste. Our body systems automatically do the rest. This is called the autonomous nervous system. The body also has automatic responses to different environmental changes. These responses are absolutely amazing considering there are so many. For example, in a car we change the temperature by adjusting the controls, but the human body adjusts its temperature automatically. Almost like the concept of the smart phone, we possess a "smart body". It seems as if these autonomous responses were programmed in there. In this article, Arslan Mayda asks if the autonomous system works by chance:

"There are several other functions carried out by the autonomous nervous system. It works without our will or conscious control. As humans we tend to claim: 'I did this, I did that.' When you eat something, your conscious control is limited to chewing the food and swallowing it. We cannot tell our stomach to digest or not to digest the food. In a healthy body, all of the involuntarily functioning mechanisms seem to know what to do, at the right time and in the right amount. But are these systems really 'autonomous,' doing what they will? Can it be coincidence that each time the perfect choice out of thousands of possibilities is made? Is it at all possible for these fascinating systems to be a just a work of random causes?"


I don't believe the way our bodies operate could possibly be by chance. Our bodies are an amazing piece of technology. Every piece of technology has not only a designer but a craftsman to put it together. Most technology is made out of industrial materials, but the human body is altogether different. Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. God made a complex and intricate piece of machinery from the "dust"- meaning elements in nature. He made creatures with the ability to think for themselves. He didn't make robots. He made humans who are free. In my opinion it takes more faith to believe we are here by random chance than to believe we were created.

The next miracle is the fact of being born at all. Do you know how small the chances of you being born were?

According to Business Insider:

"It turns out the chances of you existing are infinitely tiny. But just how small?

Dr. Ali Binazir illustrates the extremely unlikely chain of events that would have to occur in order for you to be born with this example in a blog post:

Imagine there was one life preserver thrown somewhere in some ocean and there is exactly one turtle in all of these oceans, swimming underwater somewhere. The probability that you came about and exist today is the same as that turtle sticking its head out of the water — in the middle of that life preserver. On one try.

Dr. Binazir has crunched the exact numbers shown in the infographic below.

The path begins with the odds of your dad meeting your mom (1 in 20,000). This is multiplied by the chances of them staying together long enough to have kids (1 in 2,000), and so on...

The probability of you existing at all comes out to 1 in 10 to the 2,685,000 power — yes, that's a 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeroes!

Binazir concludes that the odds of you being alive are basically zero."


It should be obvious by now that if you are alive you are a miracle and were meant to be here in this world. It's one of the highest honors to be human. We are the crown of God's creation- the most intelligent species. It's a great honor to be alive. We may not feel that way at times, but it's important to remember. While life may seem ordinary and mundane, it's anything but.


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