Heart-Wrenching Life Lessons

This quote comes from a book called Hope for the Flowers. I love the story and read it often as a child. In the book all the caterpillars step on each other to get to the top of this giant mound of caterpillars. When the main character finally gets to the top he finds out there is nothing there and falls back down to the ground. He then takes a different path and goes into a cocoon to become a butterfly. This is such a good analogy for life. There are many choices along the way that involve choosing the type of people we want to become.

Sometimes life seems incredibly pointless and terribly, terribly unfair. We will often be stepped on, pushed aside, disregarded and at times treated downright despicably. I believe God sees it all and He's got our back. God is everything to us that people are not. I'm so thankful for the kind, generous people in this world and truly wish they were the majority. Unfortunately, most are full of bitterness and unforgiveness from their own past hurts. Ending the cycle of bitterness can only be achieved through prayer and forgiveness.

I believe these are 3 of the toughest challenges we face:

1. Forgiveness.

2. Being kind to those who are unkind to us.

3. Being happy for those who have what we want.

Jesus is the ultimate role model of forgiveness. If you look at the heinous and completely unfair treatment He experienced, you will see some extraordinary acts of forgiveness on His part. This phrase spoken during His own crucifixion sums up the heart of Jesus: "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing." (Luke 23:24) I'm in awe of His ability to love and forgive the worst of sinners (including myself). Forgiveness can be absolutely heart-wrenching. It's one of the most difficult and painful things in the world, but one the most important.

Matthew 18:21-22

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”

Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

Matthew 5:39

But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also.

Turning the other cheek (or being kind to those unkind to us) goes against our natural inclination for justice and fairness. When we are wronged we naturally seek to take revenge to make it right. It takes God to help us make the heart-wrenching choice to be kind to those who are unkind.

Life is often very upsetting if we compare ourselves to others. They may have some things we long for, and we may have some things they long for. Each side thinks the grass is greener. We need to learn to be truly happy for others who have the things we desire. This is extremely difficult, but with God's help it's possible.

Proverbs 14:30
   A heart at peace gives life to the body,
    but envy rots the bones.

As life goes on I'm seeing things more realistically. God takes care of our needs here, but our rewards may largely be in heaven. It's bittersweet to think my dreams may never come true in this life. I may have to wait for heaven. Maybe the most important thing in this life is not for my dreams to come true, but to learn these really difficult and important lessons.

If we can learn to do these things, we will find a place of peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. God wants the best for us, and knows that these things will lead to the best possible results. I'm not saying these are easy; they are extremely difficult. Nothing worth having is ever easy.

Life Lessons:
1. Choose to become the person you were made to become, and don't let bad experiences stop you.
2. Forgive others, and be kind in the face of unfair treatment.
3. Acknowledge your envy, and be happy for others instead.
4. Accept the area that's just not going to happen in your life, and make the best of it instead of trying to force something.
5. Do the best you can with what you have.
6. Be grateful for what you have.
7. Be thankful for the kind people in your life and show them your appreciation.

I want to become a better person so badly that it doesn't matter how challenging and heart-wrenching the transformation is- I'm willing to go through it with God's help.

-Your fellow imperfect human on this journey called life.


Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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