God Most High

This blog will be solely about the greatness of God. I suppose that every book in the world could not contain all the things that God has done. As John said at the end of his account in the Bible of the life and ministry of Jesus:

John 21:25
"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

This is God in a nutshell- Incomparable, unexplainable, so wonderful. There are no words to capture Him, but it's such a sweet, sweet thing to try. Like a labor of love for a scientist coming up with a theory, we are trying to come up with the words to describe the power and awesomeness that is the God who created us. What a wonderful thing it is to be created by a kind and loving God.

Let's get one thing straight. If ever one has been misunderstood and their actions misconstrued, it's God. He needs no defending (as He is the Defender by definition). I don't defend Him as much as I love to explain Him. If someone wants to argue with me they can because I understand how they feel. It's nearly impossible to understand God. Without His kindness in revealing Himself to us at all, we would not be able to understand Him at all. We may criticize His actions, but in the end He is God. Forever and Amen. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty, He is very, very good. Bless you, God!

I've gotten so angry with God and wrestled with Him many times just as a host of Christians past and present have. Jacob wrestled with God, showing us that God doesn't mind if we wrestle with Him. The hilarious part is how could we think we could ever win? God in His love allows us to wrestle with Him to bring us to the point of surrender. He could easily overtake us in a nanosecond, and completely obliterate us, but He has far too much respect for us to do that. Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.

Recently I wrestled again with God, and I don't like the feeling. It is a profound state of dis-ease. I felt unsettled in my spirit. I was so angry, and I was so mad at God. I felt that He was the one who was trying to tell me that I was not worthy to serve in ministry. "Okay, I get it God. I am not the one you want." I felt rejected by the very one I wanted to serve more than anything. But the wrestling brought me the breakthrough. It was the next day after a very unsound sleep that I encountered God in a way I hadn't in quite some time. Instead of an angry God who wanted revenge for my attitude and mean words, here was the kindest, most tender display of love I have ever felt. Here was kindness that totally surpassed what I expected and deserved in that circumstance. It completely unraveled me. It broke my heart. I saw an image in my mind of Jesus on the cross and that did it for me. The tears started flowing. "Ok I get it God. You love me more than I knew." It was an image that will forever be burned in my mind. Here was the supreme expression of love. Sacrificial, heart-breaking, tear producing, unbelievable, unexplainable, awe-inspiring, leaving no words. When you encounter this kind of love there is nothing left to say. How could I ever complain you were rejecting me when there you were on the cross dying for me before I even knew you existed? How could I have been so wrong about you? You are not the one who rejects. You are the one who loves beyond measure.

I have felt the most exquisite things that have come from God and love to think and talk about them. Have you ever experienced the profound tenderness of God? A God so huge and overwhelming and powerful, and yet so exquisitely tender? How can it be? A God so kind in the face of such unkind treatment. His kindness seems to grow in comparison to how badly He is treated. Unbelievable. Unexplainable. No words. The beauty is in the details. To really understand God you must look at the fine nuances and little details. Pay attention to the little things that happen in your life. Look closely and I guarantee you will find God there. Look for Him, and I promise you will find Him there.

Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

I look forward to knowing God even more because every bit I find is so delectable and delicious that I find myself wanting more. God is so amazing. It seems silly to use these words because they aren't enough. Let's leave it at this. I'm so overjoyed with what I have found that I have sold my field because I found the pearl of great price (if you catch my drift). Now I have found the best thing in the world and everything else is garbage in comparison. This is not an insult to the things of the world but a complement to God. If something is supremely good then lower things are inherently lesser in value.

Philippians 3:8
"What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ."


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