...More and More

I made a Part 2 to So Much More because, ironically, there's so much more to say. I can't stop talking about this. When it comes to Jesus, I need more and more. I can't get enough. Worshiping him is like ecstasy. I love him with all of my heart and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

When I was younger I always equated God with church, but I have learned that God does not equal the church. God loves the church, but the church is made up of very imperfect people. I've had some bad experiences with church or people within a church but I've had to learn not to equate God with what happened.

I grew up in a Christian home, but the church I went to as a child was...boring. It was very much a dead church. I didn't really know there was more. I didn't get what it was all about. It was not until much later in my life when I realized what redemption really meant. I had come very close to the cliff of no return. What that means is to go so far away from the protection of God that it's impossible to return. When I turned around and went back to church, I didn't really know why. All I knew was that it was probably the best place for me. It still was some time until I really experienced the full presence of God. What I realized after all these years was that it was something different that I never experienced before. I didn't even know this existed. I felt like for the first time I was truly "born again". It was mysterious how it happened. I had prayed the salvation prayer many times as a child but never really had any heart connection to God. I don't know why. All I know is that I had to go through some very hard times in order to really understand the meaning of grace and redemption. Now when I hear the word redemption, I know what it means deep in my soul. I get it. I feel like it's a miracle I'm still here right now writing this, because I wouldn't have dreamed in a million years that my life could turn around for the better.- But that's what God does. He specializes in redemption.

When I heard this song it resonated deeply with me. It brought me into such a deep passionate state of worship. Anyone who has ever experienced the grace of God will understand this song perfectly. Anyone who has ever prayed to God in a desperate, dire situation and has been rescued will understand that words are never enough to describe what God is to you. Like the lyrics say: "It's never enough to enough to say I need you.... more than anything else. Because I need you like the fire needs the air to feel alive."


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