Dear God

Dear God,
You are so perfect.  You are everything I'm not and never will be.  Lord, help me.  I am so utterly and desperately HOPELESS without you.  I need your help.  I fail every single time I try to do anything and take my eyes off of you.  I'm not satisfied anymore with shallow happiness.  I have experienced the real thing, and now I'm forever spoiled your goodness.  I have tasted you and seen that you are good.  I adore you and I need to be near you.  I need you desperately.  Please let me be near you.  Forgive me for what I am, and let me come near you again!  You are the ONLY thing that matters to me in this life!  I'm ashamed of what I am.  I NEED you so badly.  I desperately reach for you, and I don't care what I have to do!  I WILL find you and I WILL keep on reaching for you.  In spite of what I am, I will grow, not because of anything I did right, but because of YOU.  You accept me back every time, so patient with me.  Why?  I will never understand HOW or WHY you love me.  I just know that you do.  I feel your love gazing down on me in spite of myself, a sin infested human being.  I'm no different than everyone else.  The law of sin and death reign in my body too.  I try not to sin, but I do what I don't want to do, and I don't do what I want to do.  I NEED your help!  Only you can help me.  I have one hope, and it's you.  I have one shot, and you are my only hope.  You are my only shot at redemption.  You are the only answer I have found.  In a world where there are so many options, there are so few answers.  You ALONE are good.  Cover me, Lord.  Bring me near you and don't let me go.  Take pity on me, Lord.  I'm so needy and weak.

I love you and need you desperately,



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