Becoming a True Leader

I believe everyone has the ability in them to lead.  Yes, that's right, I said EVERYONE.  Once, a long time ago I had a desire in my heart to lead in some way.  At the time it looked to be impossible.  I was a shy young girl not even capable of leading MYSELF anywhere good.  I believe the Lord put that desire in my heart at that time.  That is the way he works, he can do the impossible with something that seems so unlikely.  He sees our capabilities before we even see them.  The thing is if you want to be a leader you have to know where you are going first.  And that involves knowing the Lord and knowing HIS direction for your life, to be an effective leader.  All leaders must first be led, and who better to lead us than the master of every universe?

People are malleable, mold-able if we know how to do it right.  They're not set in stone.  We can see the faults in other people so easily but can we also see their potential like the Lord does?  Most people are not set in stone.  We are ALL works in progress and at different steps in our walk.  Some have not even begun their walk with the Lord yet.  These are the ones we must reach.  People are all the same in some aspects, but we all have very distinct differences also.  There is more to everyone than what you see on the surface, and that's what we have to realize.  If you take the time to get to know someone you will often be very surprised to find out they are much different than who you thought they were.  How many times have you written someone off only to find out they touch your life in some way that no one else could have done.  People are not garbage to be thrown away or dismissed because you don't like what they have to say or the things they do.  And just like they can impact your life, you can have an impact on others also in a positive way.  That's the power we all have on each other.  Once you realize this then you can really begin to do something with it, because let's face it people are like sheep.  We all are!  Those are not just my words.  That's what it says in God's Word.  There are references made to that several times.  That's not an insult, it's just the way it is.  I'm surprised how many times the Bible uses the word sheep, and not just referencing people.  I watched a show on animal planet where they were shearing a sheep for it's wool.  The sheep just laid there without a fight.  I thought for a minute it had to be sedated to be that willing, but it wasn't.  It just laid there and then afterwards got up and walked away.  How true of us as people sometimes.  We just lay there while the enemy comes along and steals everything from us and we don't do anything about it.  We live our lives in stupidity about what will happen to us after we die.  We just don't have the time to care about what will happen to us for the rest of eternity!  Does this sound ridiculous to you?  Well, I'm telling you right now, that is reality!  Now do you understand why God looks at us like sheep?

John 21:17
He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep."

Romans 8:36
As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

1 Peter 2:25
For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.

We all need direction in what way to go.  If we know where we are going and directed by the Lord then we can lead others to do the same.  It's never about them following US, ultimately.  We lead them to follow the Lord.  You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out.  He uses ordinary people to lead others.  We are nothing special in and of ourselves.  To God be the glory.  Amen.


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