Diamond in the Rough

My whole life I've known there was something special inside of me. I never stopped believing that, even if others wouldn't acknowledge it. Over and over I would get disappointed when others failed to see it. Now I have realized no one needs to see it for me to be sure it's there. Someone else not seeing isn't proof that it's not there. Now I realize I know myself better than they do and someday they will see what they couldn't see before. I can't help but feel happy when I think of the wide-eyed facial expressions of those who never saw anything in me finally see me uncovered for who I really am. Right now I'm not fully known by anyone but God, but someday I'll be fully known by all.

1 Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

Long ago I made a choice to give everything to God and become a living sacrifice, and that's what determines my future. I know I will never regret it. I never had much to give, other than myself, but every last bit belongs to God. My belongings seem pitiful and worthless compared to what's inside of me. I'm convinced of that. God thought I was worth enough to die for, and I know there is something special hidden in me, waiting to be revealed. There’s no way anyone could see it unless they are gifted enough to recognize a diamond in the rough. Most people just see a lump of coal.

You lament because you’re not a rose quartz. Honey, you’re a diamond inside! You may not look like one, but you are. No, you aren’t agate, quartz or benitoite. You are a diamond in the rough. Yes, you may look ugly on the outside and others may be repulsed by you. They may look at you disdainfully throw you to the side. That’s because they have untrained eyes to see what’s on the inside. Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault. You can’t help it any more than they can’t help being ignorant.

Lately, I have been job hunting- an activity I despise. The reason I despise it is because a person’s value cannot be measured by a piece of paper any more than it can by outward appearances. A resume only shows a small sliver of a person’s experiences. It shows experience on the job, but there is much more to life than what happens on the job. Most of life happens away from the job. If someone doesn’t like my resume, how can that bother me? My priorities have been things much more meaningful than the jobs I’ve had. A job has never been my teacher, nor my master. A resume will never show my future potential, and an online assessment simply cannot give an accurate whole picture of who I am as a person. I am far too complex to be boxed in by some test. Thank God I don’t base my worth on my hire-ability factor. I know recruiters and HR people are looking through a very narrow lens. They play it safe with the stale and boring, the known. I will never fit in their molded box, because that’s not who I am. They like the generic, and I'm anything but. 

Now I see my worth and value, and I can’t un-see it. Now I see other’s blindness, and it’s as clear as day.


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