My Abba Daddy Pt. 2

     I'm safe and secure in my Daddy's arms.  Nothing else matters now but He loves me.  He holds me in the palm of His hand and protects me in the shadow of His wings.  All my fears fade away in His loving embrace.  He soothes me and quiets me with His love.  He doesn't have to say anything at all, but I feel His love quiet me and soothe my every fear, comfort me in my crying and distress.  He doesn't say anything, but His heart speaks volumes to mine.  All that matters is I love my Daddy and He loves me.  I won't let go.  He's all I have.  No matter what, I will not let go of Him.  He alone is my strength and my shield.  He shields me from the evilness of the world and protects me everyday.  He's good to me even when I complain.  He strengthens me quietly with His embrace.  His hug envelopes me, strengthening me, penetrating my heart and making me stronger.  He is my consolation and my prize.  When I am at my weakest my prize is His strength.  He exchanges His strength for my weakness.  He loves my weakness because it's an opening for His strength.  The sweetest times of my life are when my Daddy hugs me and holds me close.  Then I know everything will be all right, and nothing will happen to me that His hand does not allow.  I won't let go of my Daddy, no matter what.  He's all I have.  He is my everything.  And He will not let go of me- ever.  We love each other and that's all that matters.  Everything else in this world fades away.  For the rest of eternity all that matters is I love my Abba Daddy and He loves me.


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