Hello there.  Have you ever experienced the great love of God?  Have you ever swam in the deep end of His great love and mercy?  Do you want to have the greatest experience of your life?  Do you want to know the love of your creator...the God who knows you and formed you in your mother's womb?  Do you want your heart to explode within you of a love so powerful it can't be contained in the human heart?  Do you want to know a love so deep it hurts?  Do you long to know love that's real?  Do you long to know love that's deep and true just for you?  Do you long for something deep inside that you just can't put your finger on?  

Are you ready for it?  Okay, let's begin... First I want you to visualize your heart.  This is not like any other blog entry I have written.  This is not a "normal" blog.  This is not a teaching blog entry, it's an experiential one so things are going to be done a little differently.  This is kind of like a guided tour.  This is kind of an experiment.  It's kind of risky.  I've never done anything like this before.  It's kind of exciting and exhilarating and scary all at the same time.  However, I am so sure of the love of God that I'm willing to take my chances and any risks to potentially share the great and deep love of God.

So let's really begin now.  Let's slow down.  There's no pressure at all to feel anything.  You don't have to feel anything.  You don't really have to DO anything. This is the kind of thing where you can sit back and relax.  It's kind of like those pictures back in the day where if you held your eyes in the right cross eyed position it became a 3-D image.  Only you must open up your heart in a new and different way to experiencing something you may have never experienced before.  Think of your heart and the deepest things in it, your deepest fears, your deepest desires, your deepest hurts and wounds.  Really think about those things and now picture yourself just opening your heart where these things are and just leaving the door open. Envision yourself relaxing and letting your door stay open to your heart of hearts.  Relax.  Relax...relax.  Open up to receive.  Open up and just receive.  Just receive.  You don't have to do anything but receive.  Get ready to receive the deep love of God.  Just take a chance and believe that you will receive...

Before you begin to play the video-
1. Make sure you have a 10 minute block of time set aside where you won't be disturbed.
2. Get out your earphones, plug them into your computer and put them in your ears.  Turn up your volume control to medium/ high. 
3. Quiet your mind.  Shut out every distracting or pressing thought. 
4. FOCUS on the music and FEEL it.  Feel it more and more as the song goes on.
5. Sit back and RELAX.  Breathe deeply.
6. Close your eyes.  Keep them shut the entire time.  Shut everything else out.
7. Open up your heart and mind.
8. Now press play.

After, repeat these directions and listen over and over again until you feel full and content, fully satisfied.

Also, afterward please leave me a message and tell me what you experienced!  I'd love to hear from you!


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