The Never-ending Equation I want to share something with you.  Please come to this blog with an open mind.  I have never been one to understand mathematical equations.  I barely passed math in school by the skin of my teeth.  I often say if you knew the person I used to be with the person I am now you would have no doubt that there is a God.  For some reason God has chosen me (?!) to show some things to.  I have to clarify the type of intelligence I possess.  I am a left handed individual.  I am a creative individual.  I like words, writing, language, and speaking.  But,, my mind does not work that way.  So why I would be shown equations, that is really something else.

So my prayer is that you would look at this equation and be helped by it in some way.  That it would restore your hope that everything is in order, no matter what it seems to look like.  There is a God, he is sovereign and he is in control of ALL things.  He is the master of all intelligence.  

So here is one of 2 equations.  I'll tell the other one in a blog to come.  

Problems------>Lead 2------->Metamorphosis   = The Never-ending Equation.

Problems are designed to show us something.  They cannot be silenced or ignored.  The issue is will you listen to what these problems are trying to tell you?

The number 2 is significant.  Above notice it says Lead 2.  That 2 stands for the 2 gifts we have from God to lead us from point A (problems) to point B (metamorphosis).  The 2 gifts are the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God, the Bible.  They lead us and guide us in the right direction.  Metamorphosis happens as a response to the changes that problems create.  There is motion.  We become different in response to problems.  

A shortened version of this equation is: P---->2----->M

The equation part comes about as something God favors.  He is a mathematical genius who left us to figure out his equations for ourselves.  He gave us an equation in the verse Romans 8:28.

Romans 8:28

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

If you break this down it means: IF A.) We love God. AND B.) We are called according to his purpose.  THEN C.) All things work together for good.

So it looks like this: A+B=C

Okay it becomes a little more complex when you KNOW A. for sure but question B.  That's where the magic ingredient of faith comes into play. 

2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Faith makes the equation come to life.  

Romans 10:17

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

The Bible is chock full of equations and directions.

So to go even further in this concept of equation, we learn that this particular one is a never-ending one meaning it is more like a circle, because it never ends.  

I can't show what a circular one would look like because I don't know how to do it on the computer, but try to visualize this equation as a circle.

Problems---->Lead 2---->Metamorphosis----->Lead 2----->more problems--->Lead 2----->more metamorphosis----->lead 2---->more problems etc...

We will never stop with these problems.  We will never "arrive" until we cease to live.  My advice is don't fight it, just accept it and learn to love this process.  Also, I want to clarify that these problems are not problems at all but more like challenges.  They are like math problems, meant to be solved, meant to make you think and figure it out and ask for divine tutoring from the master himself.  Get it? 

Enjoy the process, and God bless!


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